Frequently Asked Questions:


  • Do you accept returns for Baby Formula?

Unfortunately, returns are not accepted to ensure the freshness and hygiene of our perishable items. This policy safeguards the quality of our inventory for all customers. Rest assured, our products are shipped safely from secure warehouses in new and unopened condition. You can see our return policy here.



  • What is the difference between HOLLE and HIPP Formula?
  • Hipp formulas often contain a blend of organic ingredients, including organic vegetable oils, prebiotics, and probiotics. Holle formulas, on the other hand, focus on using minimal ingredients, with some variants using only a few key organic ingredients.

  • Where should I store Baby Formula?
  • Baby formula should be stored in a cool, dry place. It is best to store it in a clean and covered area, away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and humidity. 

  • Are there any formulas suitable for babies with specific dietary needs, such as lactose intolerance or reflux?
  • Yes, there are specialized formulas available designed for babies with specific dietary needs. These specialized formulas are carefully crafted to provide optimal nutrition while addressing specific dietary concerns.

  • Can I use baby formula as a supplement alongside breastfeeding?
  • Absolutely! Baby Formula is designed to be used as a supplement alongside breastfeeding. It can provide additional nutrition and convenience for times when breastfeeding may not be possible or to supplement breast milk supply.

  • Can I mix breast milk and formula together?
  • It is perfectly safe to mix formula with breast milk to provide your baby with the supplementary nourishment needed. However, it's important to remember that breast milk remains the optimal source of nutrition for your little one, as it promotes bonding and offers specific developmental and health advantages.

  • Can I Switch Between Formula Brands or Types?
  • There are various reasons why parents may consider switching, such as personal preferences, availability, or changes in a baby's needs. It is best to consult with your pediatrician before making any decision.

  • How do I check the European expiration dates?
  • The format for European expiration dates is always DAY / MONTH / YEAR. For example, June 1, 2023, would read 01/06/2023 or 01.06.2023.



  • What is DHA?
  • DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is an omega-3 fatty that supports the normal physical development of the brain and eyes. DHA is not mandatory in US formulas, while it is mandatory in EU formulas. DHA concentrations in the US are lower than those in the EU (avg. 12.6 mg/1 cup in the US compared to 20 mg/1 cup in the EU).


    US vs EU Baby Formula

  • What is the difference between the US and EU Formula?
  • Despite the fact that US and EU infant formulas have similar characteristics, there are a few key differences in composition and regulations. The main differences are represented by the content of IRON, DHA and the addition of sugars in US Formulas, such as corn syrup, which is banned in EU infant formulas.

  • Can I find HIPP & HOLLE in grocery stores in the US?
  • No, because most of them are not FDA approved. EU Baby Formula is not commonly found in US grocery stores due to the fact that it has not undergone FDA’s verification process, due to the different standards & regulations between the US & EU. These differences are mainly related to the ingredient compositions and labeling requirements. You can read more here